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Registration will open after the parent meeting on Oct 2nd.

Inferno registration will need to be completed and paid before your daughter will be able to try out. 


Inferno will email you a club assignment after tryouts and teams are formed that is specific for your player and you will then be prompted to purchase an NCR membership at that time. 


 You will ONLY need to complete this step if you do not receive a club assignment from Inferno.   Please read through and follow these directions to navigate through the pages to register your daughter for NCR.

Click on the North Country Registration link above

Scroll down to, "Get your Membership"

Click on the red box that says, "Choose membership and purchase"

Scroll down to, "Junior Memberships Full"

Click on either, "Junior Membership 18's player $60 or Junior Membership 17's and under player $60" or Junior Membership 11's and under player $20" Click on the membership, for the age level your daughter is in now.

At this time, if you have NOT created a Sports Engine account, it will direct you to do so.  You will create a username and password that you will want to write down and keep for future logging in.